N. L. Peschier, Vanitas (Still Life) (Oil Painting (1659)
On 10-11 November, an international conference organised by the Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association and the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore will take place: "Reviving Memory and Overcoming Oblivion: Comparative Aspects".
Please see the event programme:
The conference will also be available remotely.
Plenary section, first section - both days: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82170741995?pwd=bWV2a1dQcjhPWlZvaHZyaFc1WXFndz09 Meeting ID: 821 7074 1995 Passcode: 491908
Second section - both days:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89319231498?pwd=aGkwNzc5ejRmeG8rVTVCTGlUelU3UT09 Meeting ID: 893 1923 1498 Passcode: 039103